Monday, July 16, 2007

Goodbye, Reddy Reinhard

It's official.....the first Reinhard family pet has been laid to rest. Our beta fish, Reddy, terminated his life this morning by jumping out of his temporary bowl while his bowl was being cleaned. Dan found him on the kitchen floor - I'm glad it wasn't Abby who I can just hear saying, "Here's Reddy, Mommy" while coming to me with the dead fish in her hands. to explain to a 2 year old that her fish died......


MelissaHardaway said...

"Reddy just didn't like living here, Abby. He moved to Fish-Ville. Where a fish can be a fish."

Jen said...

That's a good one - we told her that "he jumped out of his bowl and went to live with other black fish" - black fish because he turned black when died.

Shane, Steph, Adeline, Adam said...

ok, I needed that laugh. I have never heard of a beta fish jumping out of the bowl????